The Best Robot Vacuums for 2023

Welcome to our 2023 guide to the best robot vacuums. Robot vacuums are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners who want to keep their floors clean without the inconvenience of manual vacuuming. These gadgets can easily manoeuvre around furniture, avoid impediments, and clean inaccessible spots.

As the demand for robot vacuums increases, manufacturers have created new versions with enhanced features and usefulness. Our guide has you covered whether you’re looking for a budget-friendly alternative or a high-end model. Let’s find the ideal robot hoover cleaner for your home!

Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra Robot Vacuum

Why do we need the S7 MaxV Ultra robot combination from Roborock?

The S7 MaxV Ultra robot hoover is meant to provide its users with a convenient and hands-free cleaning experience. Its self-refilling and self-emptying Empty Wash Fill Dock is one of the essential characteristics that accomplishes this. Its dock automatically refills the S7 MaxV’s water tank and empties its dustbin upon docking, enabling the robot hoover to clean constantly without human interaction.

The self-refilling and self-emptying technology of the Empty Wash Fill Dock is particularly advantageous for those in need of a cleaning device that takes least work and intervention. This technology eliminates the need for users to physically refill the water tank and empty the trash can, freeing up their time and energy for other pursuits.

ReactiveAI 2.0 obstacle avoidance is an additional cutting-edge technology included with the S7 MaxV Ultra. Using an RGB camera and a neural processing unit, this technology enables the robot hoover to navigate around common household hazards such as furniture, pets, and other obstructions. The robot hoover can also identify the furniture in the user’s home and automatically arrange them on the map. This allows the robot to optimise its cleaning course and avoid obstructions, limiting the chance of damage to the robot or the home.

In addition, the S7 MaxV Ultra’s furniture recognition technology allows it to recognize and distinguish between various types of furniture in the user’s home. This allows the robot hoover to clean more efficiently and effectively, as it can adapt its cleaning patterns and scrub intensity to the type of floor and furniture in the room.

Who is the Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra robot package designed for?

Those who lack the time or energy to physically clean will find the S7 MaxV Ultra particularly handy. With its self-refilling and self-emptying technology, the robot hoover can clean without human interaction for lengthy periods of time. This allows individuals to devote their time and energy to other pursuits, such as work or spending time with their families.

In addition to being appropriate for busy individuals, the S7 MaxV Ultra is also suitable for those who wish to minimise their exposure to allergies and dust. Conventional cleaning techniques, such as sweeping and vacuuming, can frequently stir up dust and allergens into the air, creating discomfort or health problems. But, the high suction and innovative filtration technology of the S7 MaxV Ultra can sweep up and retain dust and allergens, leaving the home’s air cleaner and healthier.

The S7 MaxV Ultra is also appropriate for those with mobility difficulties or disabilities. Those with physical disabilities, for instance, may find it difficult or impossible to conduct manual cleaning activities. The hands-free cleaning experience of the S7 MaxV Ultra can make cleaning more accessible and easy for people with impairments.

Moreover, families with children or pets can take use of the S7 MaxV Ultra’s superior obstacle avoidance and furniture recognition technologies. This technology can ensure that the robot hoover avoids frequent cleaning dangers, such as dogs, toys, and other impediments. In addition to recognising and distinguishing between different types of furniture, the robot hoover is more efficient and effective at cleaning.

Pros and Cons


  • Self-refilling and self-emptying functions provide a hands-free cleaning experience.
  • Superior technologies for obstacle avoidance and furniture recognition
  • Greater suction power than previous Roborock models
  • Can explore and clean up to 3,230 square feet of space (300 sqm)
  • Ability to suggest cleaning patterns and scrub strength based on floor type


  • More pricey than other robot hoover models on the market.
  • Optimal cleaning efficiency necessitates an initial setup and mapping of the home.
  • It may not be suited for homes with several difficult-to-navigate narrow or compact places.

ECOVACS DEEBOT X1 Omni Robot Vacuum

Why do we need ECOVACS DEEBOT X1 Omni Robot Vacuum?

Cleaning our houses may be an arduous and time-consuming process. We frequently must devote hours every week to vacuuming, mopping, and dusting various surfaces in our houses. With the DEEBOT X1 All-In-One Omni Station, we have a solution that can save us time and energy when it comes to keeping our home clean. The DEEBOT X1 is equipped with innovative technologies that make cleaning more efficient and convenient.

The DEEBOT X1’s autonomous garbage can emptying technology is one of its most remarkable features. After vacuuming, the DEEBOT returns to its station and empties the dustbin automatically, eliminating the need for human cleaning. This feature can save users time and effort, particularly if they have dogs or live in a busy household.

Moreover, the DEEBOT X1’s brand-new mopping mechanism removes stubborn stains and debris from hard floors, leaving them as clean as new. This function is particularly useful for individuals with children or dogs that constantly make messes. The DEEBOT X1 can more effectively and efficiently clear up these messes, allowing users to devote more time to other chores.

Who can use ECOVACS DEEBOT X1 Omni Robot Vacuum?

The DEEBOT X1 All-In-One Omni Station is designed for individuals that prioritise daily convenience and efficacy. It is ideally suited for busy individuals or families that wish to save time and energy on household chores. The product’s advanced capabilities make it a good option for anyone looking to update their cleaning regimen.

The DEEBOT X1 is particularly useful for people who have pets, have considerable foot traffic, or have frequently messy children. The automatic dustbin emptying mechanism and brand-new mopping technology of this device can effectively clear up spills, leaving the floors as clean as new. This feature might be especially helpful for people with allergies or asthma who want to keep a clean home environment.

The DEEBOT X1’s innovative laser-based navigation system and TrueMapping technology allow for faster, more thorough cleaning with fewer missed places. This feature can be useful for those with larger homes or several rooms that need to be cleaned. The obstacle avoidance technology enables the gadget to automatically identify and avoid obstructions with the maximum accuracy and precision, making it a suitable option for those who wish to avoid inadvertent damage to home decor or furnishings.

Pros and Cons

●      PROS:

  • Automatic dustbin emptying saves time and effort during hoover cleaner maintenance.
  • The brand-new mopping technology removes stubborn stains and debris effectively, leaving the floor as clean as new.
  • Improved laser-based navigation system and TrueMapping technology make cleaning more effective, faster, and with fewer missed places.
  • The device can automatically identify and avoid obstacles with the utmost accuracy and precision thanks to obstacle avoidance technology.
  • Voice control system enables easy and convenient gadget operation.


  • Due to differences in current and voltage specifications, the product is only suited for use in North America; users in other regions should not employ it.
  • Compared to conventional hoover cleaners and mops, this product may be quite costly.
  • The product may require routine maintenance and replacement of components, including dust bags and cleaning pads.

iRobot® Roomba Combo™ j7+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum & Mop

Why do we need iRobot® Roomba Combo™ j7?

Home cleaning can be a physically tough and time-consuming activity, especially for persons with limited mobility or a hectic schedule. The Roomba Combo j7+ was designed to simplify the cleaning process by giving a thorough and efficient clean without user interaction. The robot hoover and mop combination use innovative technology to shift seamlessly from carpet to hard floors, hoover and mop simultaneously, and even empty itself. This saves consumers time and effort while giving a cleaning experience of the highest quality.

In addition to its time-saving advantages, the Roomba Combo j7+ can be useful for pet owners. The product features superior obstacle avoidance technology and comes with a Pet Owner Official Promise (P.O.O.P.) guarantee to prevent pet waste. This warranty stipulates that if the Roomba Combo j7+ fails to avoid pet waste, the manufacturer will replace the product at no cost.

Who is this iRobot® Roomba Combo™ j7 for?

The Roomba Combo j7+ is an item that is ideal for a wide range of users. It may be especially useful for those with hectic schedules, physical restrictions, or dogs with excessive hair loss.

The Roomba Combo j7+ provides a time-saving option for domestic cleaning for persons who are pressed for time. The product’s capacity to hoover and mop simultaneously allows the user to clean floors while attending to other responsibilities. In addition, the product may be programmed to clean particular rooms or locations, which is an added convenience.

The Roomba Combo j7+ enables those with physical restrictions to delegate domestic cleaning duties. The tool can automatically clean floors and empty itself, saving the user’s physical labour. This might be especially advantageous for those with limited mobility or persistent discomfort.

The Roomba Combo j7+ provides pet owners with a solution for pet hair and messes. The product is meant to prevent pet waste and can remove pet hair effectively. Also, the product’s mop function may clean up pet-related spills and messes.

Pros and Cons
  • Combines mopping, sweeping, brushing, and suction to provide an excellent clean on carpets and hard floors.
  • Its system enables the robot to autonomously empty itself for up to 60 days, reducing the need for human involvement.
  • Utilises clever sensors and an operating system powered by artificial intelligence to identify and avoid obstacles, including pet waste.
  • Set to clean particular rooms and to alter the amount of liquid used to mop each area.
  • Premium device with extensive features, and its pricing reflects this.
  • Need regular maintenance
  • May not be suited for cleaning stairs or tight spots.

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